This page is to update our activities for our children and grandchildren while we are in Alaska. If you happen onto this page and you don't fall in into the above category -- go ahead and snoop. You might even want to check out Mormon.Org and to find out what we are doing in Alaska.

Monday, August 15, 2011


I finally rallied my energies and took on the project of fixing and otherwise repairing a severely busticated couch. Some fat elder or sister plopped their 400 pound frame onto the front edge of the couch and broke the frame. We brought home some wood scraps from the old office and I finally shored up the frame. Now a body can sit in the middle of the couch without injuring their back or keester. This little repair made the Mrs. very happy.
Part of the trusty tools that I've collected.
Busticated couch view one.
view two
View three. (Highly technical lingo.)


We had a "tender mercy" bestowed on us by the Mitchells, who live in our word. Jack is the ward mission leader and a gungho missionary. We ate at their home two Sundays ago and on the way out, I noticed that they had a "sad light" (Seasonal Affective Disorder). The bulbs in the sad lights are a full spectrum bulb and replicate sun light, for people who suffer from depression. I mentioned to Sister Mitchell that I had to find one for myself before the dark cycle sets in. They both said, "Take this one!" Brother Mitchell was going to throw it away but his wife rescued it because it belonged to Brother Mitchell's mother. But, neither of them had any use for it, so they gave it to us. That was a sizable savings for us! We priced one at a medical supply house and one this size was $400.00! Much Bucks!

View from the front (more technical lingo)
And, Yah - view two!
Don't know how the image got flipped 90 degrees.
But, the light it puts out blanks out the rest of the picture.

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