This page is to update our activities for our children and grandchildren while we are in Alaska. If you happen onto this page and you don't fall in into the above category -- go ahead and snoop. You might even want to check out Mormon.Org and to find out what we are doing in Alaska.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Sister Campbell insisted that we go to the Port of Alaska to see if there were some ships there. After driving into two different areas that were restricted (fun! fun!), we finally got to an area where we could see that there were no ships in port -- But, I could see what looked like a cargo ship further out into the water. As we watched, it became apparent that it was headed for port. (Whoopee!) So, with bated (baited?) breath, we watched the ship approach port.

It soon became apparent that it wasn't a ship approaching, but rather a monster barge being pushed by a tug. Suddenly, two more tugs started their engines and went out to help push the monster barge around. Between the three of them, they very slowly and carefully pushed the barge to a dock where it was secured.

This is what it looked like without the zoom employed
on my trusty camera.
Zoom employed.
After a few minutes and  still with the zoom.
More zoom.
Without the zoom.
Stacked high at both ends and empty in the middle.
The other tugs going out to help push.
All three tugs on the south side.
Pushy, pushy, pushy!
On the left, part way up, you can see a vehicle.
That vehicle is the tractor portion of an 18 wheeler!
Now you can clearly see the truck.
More pushing --
Without the zoom -- close to the dock.
Almost there, and it was becoming too windy and cold,
so we left. Spoil sports, I guess.

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