This page is to update our activities for our children and grandchildren while we are in Alaska. If you happen onto this page and you don't fall in into the above category -- go ahead and snoop. You might even want to check out Mormon.Org and to find out what we are doing in Alaska.

Friday, October 21, 2011


We've been privileged to attend some zone conferences while here. They have all been a sweet spiritual experience. We even had Elder William R. Walker from the First Quorum of the Seventy at one of conferences. That was a large zone conference. We had five zone worth of missionaries here at the Strawberry Chapel.

Here are some pictures from some assorted conferences

This first set of pictures wasn't exactly a zone conference. It was a sisters meeting for the sisters in the Anchorage area. (Sister Campbell was the photographer. So, if you don't like the pix, you can blame her.) Also, remember that you can click on the images to ENLARGE them.

This little sister is a small package of plastic explosives.
With her, it's lead or get out of my way.

One of the sister's singing --
Here's the whole "gang."
Sister C. is on the back row in a red sweater


Here is some of the bedlam at the mission home last transfer.
This is in front of Sister C's desk, looking
toward the front door.
Two elders on their way home. Good men! I'll miss them both.
The small strips they are holding are their names taken from my
housing board - their name strips have been there for 2 years.
A comedian! Good missionary!
The elder in the blue jacket spoke with me at his farewell
as my companion speaker when I was on the high council.
More Elders of Israel.
Jake, as it were --
Two more on their way home.
An Arizona boy!
They are on their way to Barrow - our norther-most city.
It will be dark 24 hours a day there soon and the temps will be
in the -60's for months on end. One of the elders is happy
to be going and one is not. Guess which. (by the way, they 
are tearing up the place. We've had to send them more supplies.)

The "home bounders" at the Mission Home.

This next set of pictures is from the Five Zone Conference when Elder and Sister Walker visited the mission. He is a member of the 1st Quorum of the Seventy and was President Packer's former Stake President!

Some of our senior couple missionaries
A Navajo and two Polynesians.

Interestingly enough, there are three Polynesian wards and one Tongan ward in the Anchorage area. So, what's up with that??
Named after a member of the Twelve.
Some of the sisters.
More sisters.
MORE sisters!
This is a picture of one of the zones with Elder and Sister Walker
and President and Sister Beesley.
The Relief Society who did the large meal.
Great food!
A surprise picture of President Beesley
A great missionary with an interesting past.
Oh, dem elders.
President and Sister Walker
Walkers and Beesleys

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