This page is to update our activities for our children and grandchildren while we are in Alaska. If you happen onto this page and you don't fall in into the above category -- go ahead and snoop. You might even want to check out Mormon.Org and to find out what we are doing in Alaska.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


In April, Sister C's mother passed away. It was not an unexpected event, since she was in her 93rd year and suffering from dementia in a major way. Her death and the funeral were more a celebration of her life and a three day experience of a spiritual feast. We were are grateful for that. However, something happened there that I never expected.

Several years ago, I heard the expression, "There are some wounds that time can't heal." Interestingly enough, I am still in complete agreement with the statement. However, there are no wounds that Christ and the Atonement cannot heal - whether it's here in time or afterward in immortality. I'm now a personal witness to that.


Here are some pictures from Mom's  funeral in Mesa. 

Angie and Stephen
Cari, Maryann, Daniel and Paul
Loriann and Cari
Sister C with the Gomez's
Sister C talking to Brent. Paul to the right.
Lori with JP and other assorted relatives
Angie and Robert
poor photo...
 Daniel, Phillip, and Jared
Russell - notice the F35 pin on his lapel.
Another backside photo of everyone (So! Who who
was the terrible photographer, anyway?!
Paul, Angie, and Aunt Nancy
Lisle sitting by the casket
Uncle Lisle with his nephew Jesse N.
Jesse, Liz, Becks, Janet, Angie, and Nancy
Cousins - Lisle and Ermalee
Paul, Janet, Maxine, and Martha
"Our baby" - Lena
Aunt Sharon talking to two of her nieces -
Lena and Rachel
Say Cheese!
Beautiful and sweet - love 'em!!
Aunt Cari holding Ryan with Rachel and Lena
My first grandson, Ryan Lee
Much fussing before the family prayer
Sharon, Cari, Jake, and Rachel
Campbells and Mohlmans

Mom and Dad have 45 grandchildren. Four are missing
from this photo. Betsy and John Robert are deceased
and two of mine - Andrew and Lisa weren't there.
Not a bad posterity.
Another shot - incidentally, there are about
eighty great grandchildren who are a part of the
 Jess, David, Laura, Loriann, Russell and Ben

 Mark, Jared, Caroline and Susan
Jan talking with her cousin Jim
Paul, John, Jim, Jan holding Lena, and Jess
The grandson pallbearers
The Casket
Grandpa Lisle and Grandma Jennie
Mom and Dad's headstone.



It is so strange to be the old folks now. Our children
and grandchildren will now watch us pass away as we did
the proceeding generation. Thank God for the Priesthood,
for priesthood keys and sealing powers. Otherwise, this would
be the most miserable of existences.

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