This page is to update our activities for our children and grandchildren while we are in Alaska. If you happen onto this page and you don't fall in into the above category -- go ahead and snoop. You might even want to check out Mormon.Org and to find out what we are doing in Alaska.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Even though we are missionaries, our main calling is not proselyting. We were called as "Office Specialists" to work in the mission office. We are also called as mission and leadership support. So, really, we don't proselyte. However, former mission president, Alan R. Dance, assigned us to work in the ward where we live and help with the "less actives" and part member families, which is what we have been doing for the last eleven months.

One of the part member families we have visited had a husband who has been married to a member for nearly fifty years. Because of circumstances created by the Lord, our non member decided that it was time to start living the word of wisdom and get baptized. He didn't want another pair of young missionaries to re-teach him the discussions, which he has heard a couple of hundred times. And, he didn't want young missionaries interviewing him for baptism. That's where we came in. We "old fud" missionaries did a gospel doctrine review with him, and the mission president interviewed him.

Then, on Saturday January 21, 2012, we filled up the baptismal font at the Baxter Chapel and he was baptized and confirmed a member by his two sons in law. Afterward, the Bishop interviewed him and Sunday morning he was presented to receive the Aaronic Priesthood and be ordained a priest. There is much celebrating and thanksgiving in the Chester Valley ward in Anchorage, Alaska right now. And, we now have the pleasure of teaching him the new member lessons.

I must tell you, I did not expect this to happen, even though we knew from the very first that the Lord wanted us here, specifically where we are. Brother and Sister R. even said in the middle of teaching him that the reason we were called and ended up in the Chester Valley Ward was so that we could teach him. We know that that was one of the reasons we are here in the Great White North. I hope that we find several more reasons for being here in the next 12 months.

Brother R. with his baby brother, who has been a
member of the Church for 30 years.
Brother R. with his son in law, Brother S.
Brother and Sister R.
Brother and Sister R. with their two daughters. Both
of whom went to Ricks, served a mission, and were
married in the temple.
The family with in laws and grand kids.
Beautiful family!
And, another shot.
This shot include Brother S's younger sister who is
also the R's "adopted daughter."
The happy couple with the happy mission couple.

Next  stop is the Anchorage Temple, endowments, marriage for eternity, and sealing their two beautiful daughter to themselves. I hope that we will still be here when that happens.And, lastly, thanks to Heavenly Father for letting us be a part of what has happened and will happen into the eternities with these brothers and sisters!

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