This page is to update our activities for our children and grandchildren while we are in Alaska. If you happen onto this page and you don't fall in into the above category -- go ahead and snoop. You might even want to check out Mormon.Org and to find out what we are doing in Alaska.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I probably shouldn't post the following two pictures. But, Elder Neff, who is as bald as a billiard ball, looks kind of cute (as Sister Campbell puts it) with a head full of brown hair. Actually, it's a cap made of Beaver fur. There is a member here in North Anchorage who will make them if you bring her the Beaver. (Now, where to find a beaver??)

Sister Neff is tieing on the bonnet.
Not a bad look for a native Arizona boy.


It was 36 years ago today that Sister Campbell and I marched into the Manti Temple to tie the ETERNAL KNOT. Those 36 years have brought seven children and four granddaughters.Now we are serving in the cold Alaska Anchorage Mission.

By the way, yesterday was our nine month click mark here in Anchorage. Technically, we are half way through with the mission here -- assuming that we don't extend. It's kind of up in the air, at this point. It depends on whether I survive the long winter's night. (The winter solstice is still a month away -- it ain't fun getting up in the dark and driving home at the end of the workday in the dark.)

The Misses and I in front of the mission office door.
That's sister Parker in the window taking a picture of 
herself taking a picture.
A little closer
Still closer. It's kind of hard to read the sign on the 
window -- and, Sister Parker is still there...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I took this picture last summer late at night from our apartment front door. As a matter of fact the time stamp on the picture indicates the following: Thursday, ‎June ‎23, ‎2011, ‏‎12:18:10 AM. The sun had just gone down (more or less) and the angle of the sun from "true" north was somewhere from 15 deg. to 20 deg. west. This was taken just a day or so after the summer solstice.

Now look at the following three pictures:

 This was looking southeasterly at 10:00 AM
 This was taken at 12:00 noon.
Pretty well looking due south -
The sun obscured by clouds.
This was taken at 2:00 PM looking southwesterly.

The three last pictures were taken November 14, 2011. The sun is so low on the horizon that it is obscured by the trees outside the mission office door. Fun! I can hardly wait for the winter solstice! We're already driving to the office in the dark (even after going off daylight saving time). The sun is close to being down when we drive home NOW. Soon we will be driving both ways in the dark. I really don't enjoy a 25 minute drive in the dark twice a day. (BIG SIGH!!)

Monday, November 14, 2011

11/11/11 11:11:11 AM AND PM

This is just too unique a date to let pass without commenting upon it. The day of ELEVENTY-LEVENS. And, it happens twice today -- once in the AM and once in the PM. It's so unique that it should be an Apocalyptic sort of day -- at least filled with such sort of events.

11/11/11 11:11:11



We senior couples celebrated the Ante Meridian occurrence 11/11/11 with pictures and goodies and the like. Oh, and by the way, it was also Veterans' Day. We have four vets in our office.

 Our vets: Elder Parker, Elder and Sister Neff and Pres. Beesley.
 And, again!!
 It was a weird assortment of food, but there was 11 of everything--
befitting the day, I guess.
 I think that Sister Beesley was throwing something into my trash can.
Sister Campbell taking a picture of me taking a picture of her.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Last week, I was awakened by my cell phone about 3:45 AM. I staggered to answer it, but I'm not too bright at that time of the morning -- so, the phone switched to message mode. I finally woke up, turned on a light (then I was bright), got a pencil and a note pad, and listened to the message.

"Hello, Mr. Campbell, This is the Anchorage Police Department. I'm trying to let someone know that is affiliated with the LDS Church building located on Strawberry. We had a neighbor report a car fire in the parking lot of the building. If you or someone else could call us at muff muff muff six. Have them refer to case number xxxxx."

Well, That certainly woke me up. And, I woke up Elder Parker, who is in charge of the car fleet and let him know. He responded to the chapel and let the President know. He came over, took some pictures and both he and Elder Parker talked with the fire department and the Police. Do you know how to spell "arson?" Do you know how to feel after a brand new $16,000.00 car with fewer than 500 miles on it has been totaled? Have you ever wanted to geld a human?

Well, all the cars are in a safe, locked-up, supervised place now. You can buy a lot of storage space for $16,000.00.

Elder P with the deceased Subaru
Mmmmm! Yummy! Fried tire!!!
The one mighty engine -- now toast!
The once luxurious interior --
Well, at least it didn't explode and burn up 5 other
new cars -- or the church.

How do you rotate the image?", he painfully asked.