This page is to update our activities for our children and grandchildren while we are in Alaska. If you happen onto this page and you don't fall in into the above category -- go ahead and snoop. You might even want to check out Mormon.Org and to find out what we are doing in Alaska.

Monday, July 25, 2011


A few Saturdays ago, we drove to Palmer for a preparation day "ausflug". It's a smallish city, but it has a bunch of members and four sets of missionaries in it. We had a lunch in a small park and then went into a museum/gift shop and picked up a few trinkets. We also visited their flower garden and I went hog wild taking pictures. (So, be bored and take a look at them.) Then we crossed the street and went to a fair that was outside the library. There are some interesting pictures of that included.

Statue of a dog hero.
Close up
The plaque about the dog and his claim to fame.
It's actually quite interesting and the dog, along with
the rest of the team and driver deserve the hero status.
Now, flowers out the Ying Yang...

Sister Campbell pointing to the huge Rhubarb plant.
Elder Campbell standing in front of the huge Rhubarb plant.

As I said, there was a fair going on in front of the city
library on the spacious lawn. Lots of stuff to look at
and buy.
I like the message on the shirt. I don't know
what he was selling however.
You need to enlarge this and look at the interesting
pair reflected in the "sun."

You really need to enlarge this picture and take a
look at the sculptures. The artist was very creative
and the sculptures are cute.

Monday, July 18, 2011


On Friday afternoon (7/15/2011), I had just entered the mission office from the chapel area when I saw a pickup truck pull into the parking area and pull in behind our own car. I knew that it wasn't one of the vehicles from our mission fleet, so I stopped to see who got out. When the door opened, an older gentleman stepped out in a white shirt and tie. Since the the Nelson's drove their own vehicle, I thought that it was they who had pulled up. But, the more I looked at the man, the less he looked like Elder Nelson. Then I thought, "That sure looks like Bill Lamb."

The man then walked to the other side of the pickup and let an older woman out who was also dressed in Sunday dress. I thought again, "Boy, that sure looks like Bill Lamb." Then the couple started walking toward the door and I realized that it was indeed the Lambs! As Gomer Pile says, "Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!" So, I opened the door, invited them in, and we spent the next hour visiting with them.

They are here in Alaska on vacation. Jesse had told them that we were here in the mission office. They saw the Nelsons at the temple just before they came to the mission office who told them how to get here. What a delightful surprise.

Jan invited them over on Sunday for dinner, so they came to Church with us Sunday morning and then followed us home for dinner. We got to catch up on what was going on with their family and visa versa.

A mission is full of wonderful surprises!

Bill and Sandy Lamb.
Proof positive that we saw them!

Sandy was telling Jan about a oil that she found that controlled the Psoriasis in her ears. She brought a vial of it to our house on Sunday and gave it to Jan. We are hoping that it will do the job on Jan's ears so that she can wear her hearing aids on a regular basis.

Bill is also wearing hearing aids and told us about one that he wears in one ear that is completely deaf. It picks up the sound on that side of his head and transmits it to the other hearing aid. That way, he doesn't miss out on what is going on that side of his head. Sounds like an excellent idea and something that we definitely need to look into for Jan.

Sandy also told us the story about them getting together. It was fun to find out how the Lord got them together.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Now, a rainbow is nothing new or remarkable when the weather is rainy -- even in Alaska. Even a double rainbow is not all that uncommon. This particular rainbow is, however, remarkable to a couple of people from the lower 48. We saw this from the Glenn Highway driving back from Eagle River after delivering Cari to the Netzley's place. The thing that is so remarkable about this rainbow is that we took the picture at 11:20 PM at night!
This was taken inside the car.
Another one from the car.
After we pulled of the Glenn onto Muldoon, I pulled over
into a parking lot so that we could take a clearer picture.
The rest of the rainbow to the south.
A rainbow at nearly midnight. Hummph! What will
happen next???


If you have read Cari's e-mail message, she mentioned that she rode down from Healy with her branch president's family and visited us on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We were in the middle of work, so we didn't get to see her a bunch, but it was fun none the less.

She's wearing a T shirt that went "viral". It was advertising
for the Alaska Farmers -- Grown in Alaska. Everyone in
Alaska started buying them to make a statement.
This was a hard shot, since she was sitting in my lap.
As one can see, visitors have a tendency to turn the living room
into a bit of a mess--a fun mess.
Smiles from Sister Campbell --
and, smiles from Sister Campbell.
Outside our new office.
Sitting in the President's chair (tsk! tsk!)
Looking at stuff.
Sister Campbell "lording it over" Elder Campbell who
is sitting at his new desk.

Before the ride back to Healy

A parting shot of Dad and daughter.